Web Design (UI/UX)
United States · Remote
Mid-level · Full time
Posted 3 years ago



Figma, Sketch

Help us improve the look and feel of Dime! Our mission is to make buying and selling NFTs the best experience possible, and site design is a huge part of that. We're looking for someone to help us develop our signature Dime aesthetic, and to come up with a set of designs we can use in refining the website.

Responsibilities include:

  • Meeting with the team to develop a coherent theme/design for the site
  • Creating wireframes or Figma mockups for each page
  • Creating static assets (images, animations, etc.) to be embedded into the website

UI/UX experience is key, and any similar portfolio work is great. It'll be an iterative process, so looking for someone willing to work with us on the design. Bonus points if you can code (JS/React), and can make some of the assets you design!

Turn your content into NFTs
Size:  11-50 employees
Melvin Melih's Notes
Melvin Melih
Curator of Yet Another Startup Job
Dime is an amazing startup that I've covered here: https://yetanotherstartup.com/p/dime
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